Friday, March 27, 2009

Behavioral Parenting How-To's

Alan Kazdin, Ph.D., wrote a fine book on single-subject research design and is a past president of the American Psychological Association. More importantly, he writes well and knows what he's talking about.

Slate (the online magazine) is running a series of articles on parenting and problem behaviors written by Kazdin for the general reader (these are not research articles, which is great). Two of the articles are "The Messy Room Dilemma" and "Tiny Tyrants". Please, check them out!


Unknown said...

this is great! please keep posting.

Regina Claypool-Frey said...

Thank you for pointing out the articles. Really interesting and enjoyable--I would not have found them otherwise.

To copycat Julia--yes, great job. Please keep posting.

Anonymous said...

This article is enjoyable!!
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