The 2010 WisABA Conference is scheduled for August 16 - 18, 2010, at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Memorial Union, Madison, WI.
We're lakeside again for the conference, overlooking beautiful Lake Mendota this year from the Memorial Union right in the middle of the UW-Madison campus. Come for workshops on the 16th and 17th; stay for renowned presenters on the 17th and 18th.
And don't miss the WisABA Social!
Workshop and presenter information is below. Look for updated information, including the conference brochure, on the soon to go-live fully revised WisABA website (
Confirmed presenters
Bill Ahearn, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Matt Andrzejewski, Ph.D.
Lisa Barsness, M.S., BCBA
Roger Bass, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Andy Bondy, Ph.D.
Vince Carbone, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Peter Gerhardt, Ed.D.
Kevin Klatt, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Wendy Machalicek, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Ed Morris, Ph.D., BCBA
Chris Simler
Matt Tincani, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Chris Wilkins, A.P.S.W.
… and others not yet confirmed!
Topics to include (most will be BACB CE eligible)
Two-day PECS training
Verbal behavior workshop
Functional behavior assessment
Comparing ABA & other treatments
How to identify effective treatments
Dispelling myths about ABA
Positive behavior supports
Treating feeding problems
Developing job-related social skills
Ethical issues in behavior analysis
Quality of life discussions
Epigenetics and operant conditioning
Implementing token systems
… and more!
Have you really read this far? Well, since you are so diligent, see if you can be the first to answer the following WisABA trivia in the comments: Name, in chronological order, the three lakes WisABA will have had its conference at as of August 16, 2010. Good luck! -- Matt.